Thursday, May 26, 2011

Gingerbread Man Story Time

We invited friends over to play again today. 
But our numbers were fewer due to the fact that it is the end of the school year.
We started out singing the song
The Gingerbread Man (Tune: The Muffin Man)
and wearing the Imagination Fun Mask.

Oh, do you know the Gingerbread Man,
The Gingerbread Man, the Gingerbread Man?
Oh, do you know the Gingerbread Man,
Who ran and ran and ran?

He said, "Catch me if you can,
Catch me if you can, Catch me if you can."
He said, "Catch me if you can,"
Then ran and ran and ran.

I can run like the Gingerbread Man.
The Gingerbread Man, the Gingerbread Man.
I can run like the Gingerbread Man,
Now catch me if you can.
(Author unknown)

Next we moved on to the
5 Little Gingerbread Men

5 Little gingerbread men lying on a tray,
One jumped up and ran away.
Shouting, "Catch me, catch me, catch me if you can . . .
I run really fast, I'm a gingerbread man!"

4 little gingerbread men lying on a tray,
One jumped up and ran away.
Shouting, "Catch me, catch me, catch me if you can . . .
I run really fast, I'm a gingerbread man!"

3 little gingerbread men lying on a tray,
One jumped up and ran away.
Shouting, "Catch me, catch me, catch me if you can . . .
I run really fast, I'm a gingerbread man!"

2 little gingerbread men lying on a tray,
One jumped up and ran away.
Shouting, "Catch me, catch me, catch me if you can . . .
I run really fast, I'm a gingerbread man!"

1 little gingerbread man lying on a tray,
One jumped up and ran away.
Shouting, "Catch me, catch me, catch me if you can . . .
I run really fast, I'm a gingerbread man!"
No more gingerbread men lying on a tray,
They all jumped up and ran away.
Oh, how I wish they had stayed with me to play.
Next time I'll eat them before they run away. 

Now it was time to move onto Story Time

I told the story of The Gingerbread Man

Here we are rolling out the dough to 
make our gingerbread cookies.

Here are all the animals chasing 
the Gingerbread Man
while I am saying "mow".

The Gingerbread Man has a problem and he 
can't get across the river.

I am working on teaching Nevaeh
that she has to sit and listen to me when we have friends
over for story time. She is use to telling the story to me.

Now it was time to act out the story

And chase each other around.
Movement is an important part of any story time!

to teach the group 
Hey Diddle Diddle, The Cat and the Fiddler

One Two Buckle My Shoe

and Mary had a Little Lamb.

Now it was time to make our own Gingerbread Man.
It helps to stick out your tongue while getting the glue to come out.

We used the pattern from Homeschool Creations
Ginerbread Baby Packet.

Nevaeh worked on her cutting skills again 

And her ABC Pattern Skills.

And then we moved onto arranging 
Gingerbread Man from 
Smallest to Largest.

Pointing to the smallest

Showing me which one is the Biggest

This packet can be made into a lapbook 
but I did not want to work with Nevaeh on 
everything in the book so we just did it this way.

I love the sites where I get these printouts from.
These women spend so much time making them so cute 
and do not charge anything for them :)

Then we pulled out our Kool Aid Playdough,
a rolling pin and the Gingerbread Man Cookie Cutter.

She is getting better at manipulating the dough. 

We tried to play Reader Rabbit Kindergarten but
it was a little too advanced for her.
I need to go order the Reader Rabbit Preschool for her.

This is a rhyming game from the Kindergarten one, where you click on
the basketball if the word rhymes with the word in the rectangle.

I would like to remind everyone to go to my
fundraiser page
to check out all the great products you can get
to help you with your child's education
while changing the life of a child that is less fortunate.

Right now you can get 10% off your computer software order and free shipping
by putting summer in the coupon code. 
And we will receive 20% to give to our causes.

Please take a look.
They have stuff for all ages not just little ones. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Patterning with Princesses and Story Recall

This week we worked on AB and ABC Patterns.
We used more of the Princess Packet.

Nevaeh got a big kick out of being able to cut the straight line by herself.

She was pretty proud of her accomplishments.

She did really well with the AB Pattern

And thought it was really funny each time the picture stuck to the glue stick.

The ABC Pattern was a little more complicated for her
and we will have to continue to work on it.

Next we used the Princess Tot Book to do some dot painting.
Nevaeh loves using these paints and I love not having to clean up a huge mess.

Next we used the paints to dot the Letter P for Princess.
If you notice that some of the princesses are in a black box
that is because I printed the page while in Google Chrome.
If you want the pictures to turn out right you have to be in Firefox.

We took a break to get our wiggles out.
Nevaeh calls the Sit-N-Spin
Spinning Cups like at Disneyland.

Next she retold me the story
of the Frog Prince.
The Frog Prince can be ordered separately
or with the whole Castle Set.

Here she is showing me how the princess cried when she
lost her ball.

She thinks it's funny that the princess did
not want the stinky, slimy frog
in her bed.

Nevaeh doesn't really care that he turns into a prince.
She liked him better as a frog.

Remember to check out my fundraising page when ordering.

These agencies really do make a difference in the life of a child!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

More Castle Fun - Shapes and Numbers

 We continued to work with our Princess and Knight theme.
Nevaeh did worksheets found on Homeschool Creations.
She worked on the Knight Preschool Packet.

She worked on her fine motor and reading readiness skills by
tracing the wavy line from right to left.

She played concentration with the Knight vocabulary cards.

We played Go Fish and learned new vocabulary words like moat, bow & arrow and shield.

She was quite pleased with herself for getting so many matches.

We pulled at the Castle Board  and she retold the story
of St. George and the Dragon. (Consultant Katrina M)

She told about how scared the villagers were when the Dragon blew fire.

I was impressed that she remembered so much of the story.

She liked that this time she got to place the pieces on the board.

Next we went into the kitchen to make some Kool Aid Playdough.

We choose to make Blue Berry Playdough.

I would suggest if you want a deeper blue and a stronger scent that you use two packages of Kool Aid.

Nevaeh used the playdough to make shapes.

Nevaeh loves to work with shapes

Here she is working with a shape puzzle by Doug and Melissa

She likes that it tells you what the shape's name is.
Her favorite is trapezoid. 

She used her Reader Rabbit Toddler Game to learn about shapes too.

The game tells you the color and the shape you are dragging into place.

She gets very excited when she finishes the puzzle and the shapes become a picture.

We worked on number recognition and counting with
the Deluxe Toy Counter Set.

This is one of my favorite sets because it has so many different math activities that you can do and I
even use the toy pieces to work on reading readiness skills (I'll show that example later)

For some reason Nevaeh recognizes the numbers 1, 2 and 8.

I think that might be due to here playing her Blue's Clue's Preschool Game.

In this game a character walks up and ask to purchase a gift for a friend and
tells Blue that they only have some many blue dollars.

The child then has to find a toy that cost that amount. The number they
are looking for is always under the money.

Then they click on the money and take it to the register to pay for the item.
The money is counted as they move it.

This game is an amazing deal for $4.95
It also has a shapes section.

With number recognition.
And there are three different levels for you child to progress on.

Nevaeh loves playing this game.

They also sell a Blue's Clues Preschool 4-Pack.
Remember that 20% of all sales goes towards either Angels or a Reece's Rainbow child.

If you have questions about anything please feel free to comment or email me.

Thanks for playing with us at Pretty Princess Preschool.